Tydi a garaf Arglwydd nef

Thee will I love O Lord my strength

(Salm xviii - Mawl am waredigaeth neillduol - Rhan I)
Tydi a garaf, Arglwydd nef,
Fy ngraig, fy nhŵr, fy noddfa gref;
  Rho'f ar d'alluog fraich fy mhwys;
  Trwy hon ce's iachawdwriaeth ddwys.

Angau, a dychrynfeydd y bedd,
Amgylchant fi mewn echrys wedd;
  A'r llif o demtasiynau mawr,
  Nes soddi f'enaid gwan i lawr.

Mi welais byrth uffernol ffau,
Lle mae wylofain byth a gwae;
  Ni ddichon neb dd'weud dosted yw,
  Ond y damnedig sy 'no 'n byw.

Yn fy nghyfyngder gelwais Dduw,
Braidd gall'swn dd'weud, Fy eiddo yw;
  Gostyngai 'i glust i
      wrando'm cwyn,
  A'i ras amlygodd i mi 'n fwyn.

Mewn brys i'm cadw 'hedeg wnaeth,
Fel cerub ar adenydd daeth;
  Fel mellten, dysglaer
      iawn a syn
  Oedd gwedd f'Achubwr,
      Duw, bryd hyn.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Psalmau Dafydd 1775

priodolwyd hefyd i   |   also attributed to
Daniel Jones 1788?-1848

[Mesur: MH 8888]

gwelir: Rhan II - Profedigaethau ffoisant ffwrdd

(Psalm 18 - Praise for individual deliverance - Part 1)
Thou I shall love, Lord of heaven,
My rock, my tower, my strong refuge;
  I will lean on thy mighty arm;
  Through this I got intense salvation.

Death, and the terrors of the grave,
They surround me in a dreadful countenance;
  And the flood of great temptations,
  Until my weak soul sinks down.

I saw the gates of a hellish lair,
Where there is weeping forever and woe;
  No-one is able to say how painful it is
  But the damned who are living there.

In my straits I called on God,
I could almost say, My own it is;
  He bowed his ear to
      listen to my complaint,
  And his grace he multiplied to me gently.

Quickly to save me fly he did,
Like a cherub on wings he came;
  Like lightning, very
      bright and surprising
  Was the countenance of my Saviour,
      God, then.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
(Deliverance from despair)
Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength,
  My rock, my tower, my high defence:
Thy mighty arm shall be my trust,
  For I have found salvation thence.

Death, and the terrors of the grave,
  Stood round me with their dismal shade;
While floods of high temptations rose,
  And made my sinking soul afraid.

I saw the op'ning gates of hell,
  With endless pains and sorrows there,
Which none but they that feel can tell;
  While I was hurried to despair.

In my distress I called my God,
  When I could scarce believe him mine:
He bowed his ear
    to my complaint,
  Then did his grace appear divine.

With speed he flew to my relief,
  As on a cherub's wing he rode;
Awful and bright
    as lightning shone
  The face of my
      deliverer, God.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [MH 8888]: Allmächtiger Gott
    (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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